Annual Meeting 2023



September 6, 2023

7:00 PM

The meeting was held in the Parish Hall at St. Cletus Catholic Church, 2705 Zumbehl Rd., St. Charles, MO 63301.

In Attendance: Board Members: Dan Glosier, President; Peter Bishop, Vice President; Diane Uhll, Treasurer; Clair Johnson, Secretary. Residents of Hanover Manor (Attendees, ballots submitted and proxies exceeded required number for a quorum).

1) The meeting was called to order by Dan Glosier, Board President. Dan welcomed the residents in attendance, introduced the members of the HOA Board and went over the rules of order.
2) Diane Uhll, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report. Replacement of the entrance sign exceeded previous estimates; however, there were sufficient funds in the budget to cover the increase. Questions from residents and discussion regarding funding for landscaping and maintenance of basins. Currently, there are no upcoming expenses other than the routine.
3) Committee reports, Architectural Committee: This year approved several fences.
4) Old Business
a) Mowing and maintenance of detention basins explained (see 2 above).
b) Insurance on the common grounds and other insurance must be maintained.
c) Letters sent and fines issued to homeowners that have sheds in violation of By-laws. The By-laws allow the Board to assess fines. Also, letters sent to those who have commercial vehicles parked in driveways or on the street for excessive periods of time.
d) Hanover Manor’s website will be linked to the new Facebook page, Hanover Manor Community, which has had a lot of residents joining.
e) Entrance sign finished and we have received many positive comments.
5) New Business
a) The May Garage sale was a big success – thank you to all of the residents who participated. We will plan another one in Spring 2024.
b) Entrance sign landscaping. Clair asked for volunteers to redo the brick edging and replace the old rock. There were three volunteers and a date to do this will be decided later.
6) Voting Board of Directors – Open Treasurer and Secretary positions
a) Nominations from the floor – none
b) Voting, ballots counted.
c) Results: Diane Uhll elected treasurer for two-year term; Clair Johnson elected secretary for one-year term.
7) Appointment of Committees, including Architectural Committee (AC) and Nominating Committee for next Annual Meeting. Curtis Uhll volunteered to be on AC again this year.
8) Open Forum:
a) Discussion again regarding amending by-laws to allow for sheds. Amending the By-laws requires agreement of 75% or 153 homeowners. Peter Bishop, VP, suggested it might be better to ask residents to change the 75% requirement than just change individual items, i.e., sheds and above ground pools. By-laws automatically renew every ten years.
b) Annual assessment ($50) discussed as to where funds are budgeted.
c) Discussion regarding community activities such as National Night Out. This requires some expense and volunteers. The Board will look into having one in 2024.
9) Attendance Prize Drawing – resident won $25 Walmart gift card.
10) Motion made to adjourn, seconded, and passed majority of hands.

Respectfully Submitted,
Clair Johnson
Hanover Manor HOA Board of Directors